Friday, September 14, 2007

Silent Resident

In my opinion there is no reason to ever see this movie.

From what I could gather, Hannah, the movie's main character, may or may not be the victim of a government (or at least a police) plot directed at those living in very creepy looking apartments in a gated type of community at some point in the future. Trust me when I say that you really won't care to figure it out. When the movie ended last night I turned to fellow festi-blogger Brian and the two of us just burst into laughter.

There were two funny scenes in the movie. I don't think they were meant to be funny. They were only funny because they were so ridiculous. In one scene an elevator jockey turns to Hannah and gives her the cunnilingus sign (making a v with his fingers and wiggling his tongue between the fingers). In the other scene a man explains that Hannah's name is like Otto. They can both be spelled forwards and backwards. But the goes on to explain, Hannah is a pretty name and Otto is not. Now that I have shared the two funny scenes I have made certain that you really do not need to see this movie.

Do not believe the film fest book. This movie is not "wracked with perplexity and intrigue." It only contains uninteresting perplexity. I do not buy that it is an "allegory for 21st century's perpetual state of alienation and unease." Something must be done about these film fest book write ups!

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