Friday, August 29, 2008

Box 9

Kudos to Tifftalk for posting. Most effective use of twitter, imho.

As I'm in Box 39, this is a better spot for me than last year. Figure I've got a decent shot at getting most of my pix.

And the box called is....

not sure yet!

Trying to call in but the phone lines are jammed. I'm mostly interested in avoiding a tense, 2-3 hour Labour Day morning spent at lines trying to rejig what is going to be a very tight schedule for me this year. Will post my initial film list shortly. And well as the box number called, for those wondering.

This year, we're probably going to be a little bit lighter on the reviews, as we are down to three reviewers/contributors. If anyone outside my circle of friends ends up at this space and would like to post their own reviews, I'm happy to extend you an invitation. Email me.