Thursday, September 13, 2007

Shiver me night vision goggles

You know we’re in the final stretch of the fest when audiences start getting goofy. Not sure precisely when it happened but people are now shouting out ‘Arrr’ and ‘Matey’ when the anti-piracy warning scrolls in the opening credits.

And what of the threatened deployment of night vision goggles? I keep looking out for camouflaged ushers creeping through the aisles, periodically scanning the crowd, signaling to each other as they spot a potential offender but…nothing. Of course, maybe I’m just not learned in the subtle art of recording detection in a large theatre. Is this practice so clandestine that it’s happening without my knowledge? If any readers have witnessed a mid-screening pirate takedown, please post here. Oh and, um, yarrr.

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