Monday, September 17, 2007

Chaotic Ana

My second to last film of this year was a disappointment. Ana is a free spirit who lives with her father in a cave in Ibiza Spain. Ana's unusual paintings are discovered at a tourist market one day by an arts patron. The patron takes Ana to live in her artist commune in Madrid. At the commune Ana learns that through hypnosis she can remember several dozen of her past lives. This part of the film is enjoyable.

Sadly the movie then takes a bizarre turn 3/4 of the way in and tries to turn a simple enjoyable story into a political message about the current Iraq war (and I guess all wars in general) and woman's role in the world. The setting is moved to New York. The film required a suspension of disbelief from the beginning but once the storyline moves to New York it becomes entirely implausible and ridiculous. One scene see Ana take a dump on the face of a politician that we are told is responsible for starting the war. It is a very funny scene but is meant to be taken seriously.

I cannot recommend this movie solely because of the last 1/4.

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