Thursday, September 16, 2004

Cafe Lumiere a la Sarah

The best thing about my Cafe Lumiere experience last night came when Kyle and I noticed two more people leaving the theatre before the movie was over (many, many people trickled out of the theatre after about the first 20 minutes of the movie). Kyle leaned over to me and said "Don't they want to know how the movie ends?" It was all I could do not to burst out laughing. NOTHING INTERESTING HAPPENED IN THIS MOVIE. I fell asleep at some point very early on in the fim but sadly I woke up.

Kyle has descibed some dull moments in the film. The dullest moment for me was when two of the characters spent 5 minutes looking at an image on a computer screen. They zoomed in on the image and zoomed out. The characters were engrossed. I wondered whether I should just go back to sleep.

I only suggest renting this one if you are tired and your sleeping pills are not working.

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