Tuesday, September 12, 2006

the wind that shakes the barley

Ive finished my movie going now and looking back this film clearly is my outstanding favorite. As Derek has given you the plot , I will have to say I generally agree with his post , but I think it does qualify as a great film. I was not sure immediately after seeing it, when I thought they could have cut the last few scenes and maybe a 1/2 hours worth from it altogethe. (It seems to me all the films Ive seen have been over 2 hours so i think we maybe are getting uncut demos almost... )
I too struggled keeping the tearducts unclogged , and while it could be construed that the plot had some manipulative moments ( ala sophies choice) that are guaranteed to bring you down, all in all, I was rivited throughout and few films can do that. The cinematography, acting, direction were all damn near perfect , and finally this film is the oply one to stay with me in a big way....always a telling criteria...essential viewing...

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