Friday, August 31, 2007

5 queasy pieces

1. Manoel de Oliveira has a film at the festival. Egads the man is 98. I saw his film "A Talking Picture" a few years back and it was truly awful. Someone has actually let him make 4 films since then. Mandatory retirement anyone?

2. Bad enough they let nonagenarians into the festival but Wayne Wang gets 2 films. I guess his troika of "Maid in Manhattan", "Because of Winn-Dixie" and "Last Holiday" earned him those two coveted spots.

3. Is Gary Burns at the festival?

4. "The Jane Austen Book Club". Perhaps my favourite author. Can we leave her alone now.

5. Speaking of books, "The Stone Angel". Was there a more excruciating fortnight in my life than the 2 weeks in grade 10 we spent with Mr. Thwaites toiling through this novel.

1 comment:

Ryan McNeil said...

Good to know I'm not the only one who hated reading Margaret lawrence in high school.