Monday, September 08, 2008

Wendy and Lucy

Sunday September 7

I was very nervous going into this film. Two friends attended the screening on Friday night and did not like it. They did not hate the movie but described it to me as lacking plot and feeling long. After seeing the movie I can say that I see where they are coming from but I will have to disagree with them and say that I did like it.

The movie follows Wendy, a young woman with $500 to her name trying to get to Alaska to find work. A bad decision and some bad luck find Wendy stuck in Oregon searching for her lost dog Lucy. The real strong point of the movie is Michelle Williams. She plays Wendy with few words but her expressions and body language portray a great deal.

I would not recommend the movie to everyone but those who don't mind a slow quiet study of a character will enjoy this one.

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